Ethics Checklist
Pro-forma checklist to assist with preparing an ethics application
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Research Governance Checklist
To assist with preparing a research governance / Site Specific Assessment (SSA) application
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Victorian Specific Module WORD version
For each research project that has a site in Victoria, the Victorian Specific Module (VSM) must be completed and submitted to the reviewing Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) as part of the ethics application.
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Evaluation of a site as a Satellite Site checklist
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Primary Site Workflow checklist
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Evaluation of a trial as a teletrial checklist.docx
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Teletrial Registration Form
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Applicant user guide to ERM
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Coronavirus related PICF - Jurisdiction specific legislation table
If using the Participant Information Consent Form for non-interventional coronavirus research, it will be necessary for other jurisdictions to insert specific legislation if applicable.
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Create a Human Research Ethics Application (HREA) in ERM
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Creating SSAs for sites - by HREA owner
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Creating SSAs for sites - SSA owner
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Electronic Signatures and Clinical Trial Research Agreement execution in Australia
This paper provides guiding principles to optimise digital technology for executing CTRAs using eSignatures.
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Guidance on Scientific Expert Review Toolkit
This document provides background information and guidance for a scientific expert reviewer to conduct scientific review, at the request of an ethics committee in Victoria, regarding early phase clinical trials.
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HRECs, RGOs and Organisations
This document provides details and contact information for organisations taking part in the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) initiative.
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How to upload documents in ERM
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Jurisdictional Legislative Requirements
This document aims to provide an overview of the various legislative and administrative frameworks that currently exist in Commonwealth, States and Territories and apply to the approval of human research under Mutual Acceptance of Ethics and Scientific Review. This document is not a substitute for legal advice.
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Monitoring and Reporting Matrix
This matrix is designed to assist investigators, HREC Coordinators and Research Governance Officers. It provides information on reporting requirements for multi-centre human research projects taking place in Australia.
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National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) Ethics and Governance Matrix
Arrangements for ethics and research governance/Site Specific Assessment (SSA) applications across the NMA jurisdictions are described in this NMA Ethics and Governance Matrix table.
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NMA Brochure
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NMA Fact Sheet
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NMA Standard Principles for Operation
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NMA Data Linkage Guide
The National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) scheme has been revised to better support researchers undertaking multi-jurisdiction studies involving linkage of data.
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NMA ethics application: Projects with a Western Australia site
Additional supporting documents that address state legislation e.g. Western Australian Specific Module (WASM) and Victorian Specific Module (VSM) may be required for some research projects.
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Participant Information Consent Form and European Union General Data Protection Regulation
Dealing with requested amendments to the Participant Information Consent Form (PICF) following implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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Post approval and Post authorisation subforms in ERM
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Roles and Responsibilities in a Research Project
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Research governance and Site specific assessment - Process and practice (Appendices)
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Research governance and Site specific assessment - Process and practice
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to assist all sectors involved in clinical trials to understand the processes used to meet the regulatory requirements for clinical trial research
in Australia.
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Signature requests and submission in ERM
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Supporting Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Victorian Hospital Research Office – Contact details
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Victorian Specific Module Guidelines
These guidelines provide useful information and specific instructions for completing Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Victorian Specific Module.
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Victorian Specific Module (VSM) in ERM
For each research project that utilises the Human Research Ethics Application (HREA) form and has a site in Victoria, the Victorian Specific Module (VSM) must be completed and submitted to the reviewing Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) as part of the ethics application.
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Statutory Guidelines on Research
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Use of Ionising Radiation-flow diagram
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Laws relating to the provision of consent for persons that do not have decision-making capacity to participate in research.pdf
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ATP Teletrial Support Program-ATP-VIC Supplementary Information_(January2025)
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REDCap, TSP process summary and PICFs_April 2024
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Teletrial Support Program Guidelines
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Clinical Trial Research Agreement
For an Investigator Initiated Study
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Clinical Trial Research Agreement (CTRA) Teletrial subcontract
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HREC Radiation Notification Letter
Template letter to use if Ionising radiation exposure in a research project is not considered to be additional to normal clinical management/care at the site and the reviewing HREC is in Victoria
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Participant partner pregnancy PICF
In the event that a participant in an approved interventional clinical trial (or the participant’s partner) becomes pregnant during the course of the research, this Participant Information Sheet/Consent Form should be provided to the pregnant participant/partner.
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Patient Information and Consent Form for Future Unspecified Non-Interventional Coronavirus or Related Research
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PICF health and social science for self
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PICF health and social science for parent and guardian
A Participant Information sheet should be aimed at parents/guardians when the potential participant is a child. Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapter 4.2) for more information. Consideration should also be given to explaining the procedure to the child themselves in a manner appropriate to their maturity level.
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PICF health and social science for person responsible/medical treatment decision maker
A Participant Information sheet should be aimed at persons responsible/medical treatment decision makers when the potential participant does not have decision making capacity or not competent to provide consent for themselves. Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapters 4.4 & 4.5) for more information. This Participant Information Sheet/Consent Form should not be used for parents/guardians of minors; an alternative template is available for parents/guardians.
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PICF genetic for parent and guardian
Use this PICF for genetic research that is non-interventional OR genetic research that has an interventional component that does not involve research on a drug or device.
Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapter 3.5) for information on genetic research.
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PICF genetic for person responsible/medical treatment decision maker
Use this PICF for genetic research that is non-interventional OR genetic research that has an interventional component that does not involve research on a drug or device.
Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapter 3.5) for information on genetic research.
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PICF genetic for self
Use this PICF for genetic research that is non-interventional OR genetic research that has an interventional component that does not involve research on a drug or device.
Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapter 3.5) for information on genetic research.
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PICF interventional for parent and guardian
An Interventional Study is defined as administration of a drug, device or procedure that is not part of routine care, including all phases of a clinical trial.
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PICF interventional for person responsible/medical treatment decision maker
A Participant Information sheet should be aimed at persons responsible when the potential participant does not have decision making capacity or not competent to provide consent for themselves. Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapters 4.4 & 4.5) for more information. This Participant Information Sheet/Consent Form should not be used for parents/guardians of minors; an alternative template is available for parents/guardians.
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PICF interventional for self
Adult providing own content. An Interventional Study is defined as administration of a drug, device or procedure that is not part of routine care, including all phases of a clinical trial.
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PICF non-interventional for parent and guardian
A Participant Information sheet should be aimed at parents/guardians when the potential participant is a child. Refer to The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (Chapter 4.2) for more information. Consideration should also be given to explaining the procedure to the child themselves in a manner appropriate to their maturity level.
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PICF non-interventional for person responsible/medical treatment decision maker
A Participant Information sheet should be aimed at persons responsible/medical treatment decision makers when the potential participant does not have decision making capacity or not competent to provide consent for themselves.
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PICF non-interventional for self
Adult providing own consent. A Non-Interventional research project involves clinical research where no interventional treatment is given to participants other than their routine care. It does not involve the administration of an investigational product, treatment or procedure. Examples include observational research and monitoring of participants.
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Contact List Template
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Stand Alone Teletrial PICF
The Stand Alone Teletrial PICF is used for an approved trial when a teletrial will be added to the existing trial, instead of amending a Master PICF. This is used for the added Satellite Site(s).
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Stand Alone Teletrial PICF for Person Responsible\Medical treatment decision maker
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CTRA for Investigator-Initiated Teletrials
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